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Blackpool Championship Show 2017 Critique

Not a big entry numerically, but I was well pleased with the quality, especially in the majority in the line-ups for the CCs.

Minor Puppy Dog 1)

1. Tiobraird Solo Venture to Kilbourne

A very attractive, most promising young dog, upstanding, powerful and with quality, he is already very shapely. Lovely head and expression, correct ears. Crested neck. Good forechest for age, even if he still needs to drop a bit in his brisket and settle into his upper arm, but has excellent volume and is typical of his age. Balanced angulation behind and very straight hindquarters as viewed from behind. Moved with style, suspension and long strides. A very good start to my day.

Puppy Dog (3,2)

1. Kilbourne Lloyd

And in comes another lovely puppy! He has lovely body proportions and covers ground very well indeed and is very well balanced, looking his age or somewhat older. Quality, well chiseled head. His eyes are medium dark, but his expression is beautiful, gentle and welcoming. Ideal, small ears with the feel of mouse skin. Long neck with a typical nape. Balanced angulation both ends. He has a very attractive, curvy bodyshape. Excellent coat structure. He moved with balance from the side, easy and supple, acceptable coming and going. BP

Junior Dog (2)

These two were not up to the previous two.

1. Chuilinn Landis

Strong masculine dog, quite a handful for his handler. His head is rather plain and his ears could be better folded. Strong neck. He covered good ground, but could be more shapely. Pleasing coat quality. He chose to jump around quite a lot, but at other times moved quite well from the side.

    2. Lilac Wind Montgomery Clift to Glooscap

    Very elegant, leggy dog, still has a lot of developing to do. Refined head, I would prefer it more masculine. Beautiful eyes. Long neck. Too upright in upper arm and needs more forechest. Shapely topline, bordering on too much so. Rather soft in coat structure. He looked his best in movement; light on his feet and effortless from the side, but needs to stabilize in front.

    Graduate Dog (1)

    1. Almondbank What A Boy McCoy

    A typey dog with attractive proportions, very pleasing to the eye. Quality head, could be stronger in muzzle, attractive expression. Excellent return of upper arm. Lovely underline, could do with a little more arch of loin. Balanced angulation behind. Excellent coat structure. Some tendency to lift his front legs too high on the move and needs to stabilize from behind, but kept his balance very well in movement from the side.

    Post Graduate Dog (1,1)

    1. Limit Dog (2,1)

    Kaleginy The Forester

    Masculine dog of very attractive type and overall appearance. Masculine head, could do with less stop, and his ears could be better folded. Strong neck with attractive nape. I would prefer some more spring of pastern. Attractive shapely body silhouette. Balanced angulation behind. Acceptable coat. Moved with elegance and a very pleasing balance from the side, parallel as viewed from the front, acceptable from behind.

    Open Dog (2)

    Ch. Rubeus Hagrid to Kilbourne

    An instantly attractive dog who filled my eye. He is elegant and with plenty of quality, but is still masculine. Beautiful, well chiseled head, lovely, gentle expression. Acceptable ears. Attractive neck with nape. Balanced angulation both ends. Could do with better knuckled feet. Shapely outline. Excellent coat. He moved soundly, efficiently and with balance and suppleness from all angles. Overall a lovely Deerhound. CC

    Ch. Hyndsight Desperado

    Big, strong, masculine dog, very curvy and eye-catching. Not the head of the winner, but even more masculine. Good ears. Attractive neck. Deep and capacious body. Pleasing coat structure. For my ideal he is falling off to much over the croup, making him very curvy, but bordering on overtyped in his silhouette. Still very energetic and sound in movement. RCC

    Puppy Bitch (3,1)
    Two rather leggy bitches in their teenager stadiums

    1. Ardneish Pacific at Maelstrom

    Elegant bitch with a refined head, attractive expression. Very good ears. Long neck. Needs to shape up in body when standing, but she gets some more curves in movement. Good coat. She has good potential in her movement, but at times rather high stepping in front, but showed plenty of energy.

    2. Kilbourne Marie Claire at Kirjojax

    Very leggy, upstanding bitch. She has good substance and excellent bone and has potential if she ever drops into an adult balance. Quite pleasing head. Normal neck. She scored in body curves over the winner. Very good coat. She moved quite well from the side, but tended to crab coming and going.

    Junior Bitch (2,1)

    1. Hyndsight In Your Dreams

    A very typey bitch with lovely body curves and an aura of quality about her. Quality head, attractive ears. Eyes could be darker. Long neck which she used to her advantage. Needs to drop into her upper arm and to develop in forechest with maturity. Lovely outline with smooth, unbroken curves. Pleasing coat quality. Moved light on her feet and with style and presence and almost surprisingly stable coming and going. Best junior

    Graduate Bitch (5)

    1. Minerva McGonagall of Ormanstar

    A well balanced, curvy bitch of excellent type and quality. Attractive, feminine head. Not the darkest of eyes, but this did not spoil her expression much. Excellent, well folded and small ears. Lovely body shape. Could be more stable in movement from behind, but moved very well from the side, with suppleness and at all times keeping her outline. Lovely coat.

    2. Leoch Juniper of Fintalloch

    Large, impressive bitch, still feminine. Long head, could do with a stronger underjaw to match her substance elsewhere. Attractive eyes. Strong neck. Would prefer some more generosity to her hindquarters and could show more drive in movement, but kept her lovely silhouette on the move. Lovely coat.

    3. Almondbank Arya

    Post Graduate Bitch (5,1)

    1. Blixten Star to Kilbourne

    An instantly attractive, typey bitch who covers very good ground both standing and moving with gentle, but not overdone curves. Quality head, eyes just dark enough. Excellent neck with nape. Balanced angulation both ends and stands very well over her legs and feet. Still not fully mature in forechest. It is in movement that she comes into her own, so agile and supple and at all times keeping her balance, always in complete sync with her handler. Best movement of the day. Very impressive! CC & BOB

    2. Stranwith Nia for Zandahar

    Feminine, elegant bitch of very attractive type and overall appearance. Moderate substance. Quality head with beautiful expression, attractive ears. Long neck. Moderate, but balanced angulation both ends. Not in the very best coat on the day. Moved well from the side, but with some tendency to crabbing.

    3. Claonaiglen Cona at Maelstrom

    Limit Bitch (5,1)

    1. Stranwith Rafaela

    Simply a very beautiful animal! Standing she knocked my socks off and I could not take my eyes away from her. Optimal proportions and outline. Beautiful head, dark eyes, well shaped and well set ears. Long neck. Lovely, lovely body curves – just the right amount and in just the right places. Moved reasonably well from the side, but just too disappointing as viewed from behind. This breeder surely knows to produce a type of Deerhounds that appeals to me, and for the second consecutive time won the cup for Best Type.

    2. Hyndsight Mandolin Wind

    Strong, still feminine bitch who excels in power and substance. Long head, ears should be smaller and neater. Long neck. Well angulated in front. Strong and powerful thighs. Another who falls away too much over the croup for my preference. Still moved with power and suppleness from the side, even if rather wide behind.

    3. Ardlancien Eiryn to Balgaled

    Open Bitch (5,1)

    1. Ch. Killoeter Ralia

    A lovely bitch of excellent type and star quality, very well constructed. Feminine, well proportioned head, on the day lacking beard. Lovely body; deep and capacious and with excellent curves in the right places. Moderate return of upper arm. In the class she moved with plenty of energy and made a most impressive picture and was destined to go all the way, but I was rather disappointed to see just how handler dependent she seemed to be when having to chance handler for the challenge and then lost much of the sparkle. RCC

    2. Gentiehun Adelaide of Kaleginy, ShCM

    Another beautiful, quality bitch with lovely proportions and a curvy outline, elegant and feminine. Quality, well chiseled head, lovely expression. Very good ears. Balanced angulation in both ends. Pleasing coat quality. She moved well enough, but could still not quite compete with the winner in the class.

    3. Ch. Hyndsight Because the Night


    Espen Engh, judge